Hello patient people! This post is mainly for our local area here in Sarasota, Florida… but we are also working on a follow-up post that is relevant for everyone. That post will be about choosing healthy Tillandsia (air plants). We’ll tell you what to look for and what to stay away from, so stay tuned!
Atomic Holiday Bazaar 2013
It’s almost here again folks! The Atomic Holiday Bazaar 8th Annual Indie Craft Show! We wanted to let you know we’ll be selling our air plant creations (and bromeliads) at this event again this year so if you happen to be in or near the Sarasota, Florida area, it’s worth the trip!
Attention: Get Ready for Atomic!
Atomic Holiday Bazaar 7th Annual Indie Craft Show! Greetings Earthlings and Aliens! If you live near Sarasota Florida, or will be visiting on December 8th or 9th, there’s a show you will not want to miss! So pull over and park, anchor your boat or land your flying saucer because it’s Atomic!
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