Mounted Bird Nest Fern
Mounted Bird Nest Fern
“Come forth into the light of things, let Nature be your teacher.” -William Wordsworth Since this “Bird Nest Fern” (Asplenium antiquum ‘Victoria’) can naturally grow on trees and
All art is an imitation of nature. -Seneca
Mounted Bird Nest Fern
“Come forth into the light of things, let Nature be your teacher.” -William Wordsworth Since this “Bird Nest Fern” (Asplenium antiquum ‘Victoria’) can naturally grow on trees and
Simple Staghorn Mount
“You didn’t come into this world. You came out of it, like a wave from the ocean. You are not a stranger here.” -Alan Watts We showed you one way to mount a Staghorn Fern to wood a while back and now we will show you a different, but much simpler method.
Benefits of a Push Reel Lawn Mower
“There are no passengers on Spaceship Earth. We are all crew.” ~Marshall McLuhan A little more than a year ago we moved out of our condo with a patio and moved into a house with a yard. As usual, the home didn’t
Easy Framed Monogram
“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” -Leonardo da Vinci This is a very easy recycle/repurpose project idea that you can do to personalize
Marilyn Monroe
“Creativity has got to start with humanity and when you’re a human being, you feel, you suffer.” -Marilyn Monroe I have done a few portraits of Native Americans in charcoal and I was attempting to do another but
Tillandsia Landscape
“I can enjoy society in a room; but out of doors, nature is company enough for me.” -William Hazlitt In this project we created a Tillandsia Landscape using a thick piece of raw cork
The Art of Cheap Window Cleaning
“Beware of little expenses; a small leak will sink a great ship.” –Benjamin Franklin One day I sat outside of my partner’s place of work waiting to pick him up and I saw a sign in their window for windshield cleaner fluid for the car.
Bird Nest Bottle Cap Magnets
“Nature does nothing uselessly.” -Aristotle Bottle cap magnets are nothing new but we tried something a little different than the usual sleek and shiny design normally seen with these magnets.
Give Your Air Plant Clump A Head Start
“There’s time enough, but none to spare.” -Charles W. Chesnutt In the present day we have all become accustomed to everything moving at the speed of thought
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